Chevrolet Camaro 2.0T Oil Cooler Kit 2016+

  1. Any Cooler You Like - Oil Cooler R&D, Part 2: Data and Pre-Sale!

    Any Cooler You Like - Oil Cooler R&D, Part 2: Data and Pre-Sale!

    Well, our SS and our 2.0T have quite the sibling rivalry, and as a fellow older brother, I can empathize with how the SS must feel to be challenged by this little 2.0T. However, older siblings are also often blessed with an innate ability to do things far better than their younger siblings (my sisters don't read car blogs, so I've basically got free reign here). As such, I'm sure the SS has some confidence in its oil cooling ability, and rightly so. But how will the 2.0T stack up?

    Younger siblings, ungrateful beneficiaries of free-ridership, often enjoy the ability to hop on the coattails of big bro and whisk themselves away into a world of PG-13 movies, unearned responsibilities, and other undeserved privileges. The 2.0T is no exception, as it's already been able to finagle itself this oil cooler. And guess what! You don't need to wait

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  2. Us and OEM - Oil Cooler R&D, Part 1: Stock Review and Renderings

    Us and OEM - Oil Cooler R&D, Part 1: Stock Review and Renderings

    A car of mine has been in desperate need of a new oil pan for months, and it is currently sitting on jack stands in the garage. The new pan, gasket, and bolts are sitting in the back seat, so why isn't the pan on the bottom of the engine?

    I'll give you some hints as to the culprit: Only it will tell, nobody ever seems to have enough of it, and Pink Floyd wrote a song about it. No, I'm not talking about LSD - I'm talking about time.


    In our modern age, this connected world has led us to expect the fulfillment of our desires in short order. I want my MTV, and I want it NOW! In the movie Castaway, Tom Hanks' character sums it up well: "87 hours is an eternity. The cosmos was created in

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