Feed the Beast - 2012-2018 BMW F1X M5/M6 Performance Intercooler R&D, Part 2 - Prototyping
The S63 contained under the hood of BMW's F1X generation M5s and M6s have quite the appetite for power. Unfortunately, this hunger and impeccable taste mean that these Ms aren't easily satiated, and it takes a full course meal to satisfy their cooling needs. So far, we've only just looked at the menu for our intercooling upgrades, but now it's time to give it a small taste.
Even as advanced as our modeling programs are, the virtual workspace can only get us so far. Also, we felt the need to triple-check our work, given how particular we are about fitment, combined with our larger intercoolers. The best way to review the fitment of our intercoolers without starting mass production is by putting our 3D printers to work. Within only a few hours, we're able to churn out a 1:1 scale replica of our new intercooler design that's ideal for test fitting.
Adding these prototypes into our R&D process allows us to streamline the entire operation. Getting the complete production units right on the first round is vital to more timely delivery of these intercoolers to your doorstep. The plastic stand-ins are also easily modified, making it simple for our engineer, Mitch, to make and notate any adjustments to the design as he proceeds with the test fit.
Satisfied with the test fit, our M5 is ready for the next course - full production intercoolers. This is a complex recipe, so there is some time needed to cook these up. Make sure that you stay tuned for the first look at our production intercoolers coming soon! In the meantime, let us know what you think of our prototypes in the comments below.
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